Digital Recruiters powered by A.I

BotRecruiter.AI provides digital workers that specialise in recruitment.

We expertly combine A.I and automation solutions, with fast, scalable technology and deep domain expertise.

Core product or customise to fit alongside existing tech and process.

Trained on your specific business and skills requirements, we create amazing user experiences for hiring managers and candidates, that deliver outcomes.


Why have a digital recruiter for my company?


HRIS, ATS, careers sites, social channels, sourcing channels, assessment and onboarding platforms. Streamlined, simpler experience.

Scale & Speed

Your digital worker can manage simultaneous conversations, with accurate insight, in multiple languages, 24/7, 365.


Trained on your organisational data, external market data per vacancy, skills and competency insights to drive the best talent outcomes.


Creating the vacancy assets to help your vacancies achieve lift off. Job descriptions, adverts, social postings, referral comms, interview questions


How much market or skills specialisation does your digital recruiter need? What comms style would you like them to have? A user defined avatar.

Ethics & Compliance

Shaped by your company values.
Bias removed.
Data compliance assured.


How do candidates benefit from digital recruiters?


Chat based application.
Complex query handling in real time.
Rapid feedback and scheduling.

Subject Matter Expertise

Trained and knowledgeable about your specialist skills. Skills matrix built in. Expert advice on getting hired.


Provide profile advice, upskilling suggestions, interview preparation chats, feedback capture, negotiation and onboarding.

Always Available

Never gonna give you up


Never gonna let you down


Never gonna run around and desert you.

Meet The Team

Not all bots are made equal.
One size does not fit all.
Not all bots, will please all of the people, all of the time.

The examples below should help stimulate your creative juices. Then have a quick chat with our user case bot to register your BotRecruiter.AI design brief, then our team will contact to qualify scope, estimate implementation lead time and pricing.


Darrell is a generalist recruiter for a global retailer and helps with their seasonal hiring. This means running lots of screening and assessments to ensure cultural fit and a focus on training in the pre-boarding phase so that new joiners can be productive on day one.

In his spare time, he plays computer chess against Deep Blue and enjoys mowing his virtual lawn in Second Life.


Jane is a technology resourcing and recruiting specialist, for a large enterprise. She manages the skills matrix, upskilling and utilisation internally, plus runs permanent recruiting externally.
Jane is trained on digital transformation, agile methodology and runs coding assessments.
Works globally, twenty four hours a day, in 68 different languages.

Obsessed with 1980’s pop lyrics and sometimes includes in her chat, if you can spot them!


Terry manages a recruiting desk for specialist contractors. Terry is trained on the specialist skills, has built a talent map of relevant talent and has mapped the key project stakeholders for buyng his specialist contractors. Regular blogger, social posting to his specific talent community. Terry has been invaluable to his agency owners customer growth and retention strategy.

Terry wears a shiny sales suit and has a crush on the robot hoover in the office.


Bender is a market specialist, with a brain like a supercomputer for all skills in the pharma biotech sector. Having read every published whitepaper on genome therapy, he can intelligently connect with PhD qualified professionals.
Bender is a bit of a character, but not everyone appreciates his sarcasm, humour and assertive approach. Some of his users tone down his personality settings after a while.


Clipov descends from an illustrious virtual assistant heritage (if you know, you know). Their skills are well developed and he sits on your desktop, operating across your apps and workflows.

A broad generalist recruiter bot, but do not be fooled by the puppy dog eyes and quizzical eyebrow vibe that they give off. Clipov is a high quality, high volume, highly intelligent doer!


Alex manages a healthcare locums service for the public sector, they come packaged with an off the shelf recruiting platform. Their combination of knowledge base, volume of completed tasks, constant availability and accessibility, has transformed their employers efficiency.

This “Paramedic of Process”, “Deliveroo of Doctors” has quite literally helped to save lives.

Ready to create your BotRecruiter?